The first step in making a curriculum vitae is to understand and know what a curriculum vitae (CV) is. Many job seekers, both fresh graduates and experienced career changers, do not understand and are familiar with the curriculum vitae, so they are not getting the maximum benefit.
Write a Curriculum Vitae is generally translated as write a Master Resume of yours. In the old or conservative style there are three types of curriculum vitae structure:
- Chronological CV
This type of CV is written by sorting educational history which is then followed by work history. CVs like this are usually used by workers who have a lot of experience, both work experience, education/training, and organization.
- Functional CV
This type of CV is written by emphasizing the advantages possessed, both expertise, qualifications and achievements that have been achieved.
- Combination CV
Is a combination of chronological with functional CV. At the beginning, the advantages are written, followed by the order of education and work history.
These three old styles turned out to be less effective because they produced many pages of CV. Even though a CV that is too long has the potential to be ignored by the company.
The main reason for these three old CV styles to be ineffective is that they are not oriented to the targeted job. The old mindset, which is still widely used by job seekers, is to make one CV which is duplicated and sent to as many companies as possible without clarity on the targeted position.
They assume that the more CVs that are sent to many companies, the greater the chance of getting a job.
Then, how effective CV?
Something that is effective is oriented towards goals and benefits. Like as 30 Top Jobs of the Future, There are only two types of effective CV structures:
- CV Based on Conditions.
This type of CV has a structure that has been determined by the company or agency that provides job vacancies. Usually this type of CV is used to apply for civil servants (civil servants), military, BUMN (State Owned Enterprises), or conservative companies that already have and determine the standard form of curriculum vitae. Usually a form (or blank) is already provided, you just need to fill it out.
- CV Based on Purpose.
This type of CV is very dependent on the purpose, the target company and the targeted field of work. Everything that is not related to the purpose does not need to be written in this CV. Therefore, to make a CV must have a clear goal. Must have sufficient information about the destination.