
10 questions to ask at parents’ evening


How much can you really ask in a 10-minute parents’ evening slot? Unfortunately, given the number of students and parents a teacher has to see in one evening, it means most only get as little as 10 minutes to discuss their queries with the teacher, and what can be done to ensure that their child is achieving the best. As you can imagine, not every parent will be calm and collected when discussing the future of a student. This means that teachers are spending most of their time consoling and reassuring parents, with time for the real conversation barely beginning. So, what can be done? Continue reading for more information on parents’ evening, and 10 questions to keep in mind when it comes to your attending your own, as advised by this private school in Surrey

What is the significance of a parents’ evening?

It may be difficult to believe, but some parents don’t actually attend parents’ evening as they are unaware of the importance of it when it comes to their child’s academic development. A parents’ evening is essentially there for both parents and teachers to meet up, and discuss where a student is progressing and where they need to put in extra work. Given that each adult sees a different side to the student, it is the perfect time to discuss anything the parent or teacher may not be aware of, that could be happening behind closed doors. This is usually the time to calmly and respectfully raise any concerns that you may be having with your child’s learning. Likewise, the teacher may also ask questions regarding changes in your child’s behaviour, so that you are able to work together to ensure your little one is getting the support they need to excel academically. 

  1. How is my child progressing academically? This question provides a broad overview of your child’s academic performance. Remember to enquire about their strengths, areas for improvement, and any challenges that they may be facing. Having a better understanding of their progress will ensure that you are able to support them effectively and work with their teachers to address any further concerns.
  2. Does my child engage in class? This question allows you to get a better insight into your child’s behaviour and participation during class. Remember to ask how attentive they are during classroom interactions as it will help you identify the best strategies to motivate them.
  3. Does my child need additional support? It is always important to ask if your child needs any extra help in specific areas. This could include subjects, study skills, or social and emotional well-being.
  4. How can I support my child’s learning at home? Don’t feel embarrassed to enquire about resources and strategies that can be used to ensure your child studies well at home.
  5. How can I encourage my child to read more? This question is a lot more common than you would think, with teachers having the answers to your queries.
  6. How can we work together? Open communication is extremely important to ensure any challenges your child is facing is resolved.
  7. How can we monitor progression? This is the time to ask about the school’s methods of progress tracking and communication. Discuss assessments, reports and any online platforms that you can use to help you stay informed about your child’s performance.
  8. What can improve my child’s handwriting? Your child’s teacher is the best person to ask when it comes to recommendations of resources and activities.
  9. What does ‘this’ mean? Teachers quite literally speak their own language, so don’t be afraid to ask what a term or phrase means if you are struggling to understand it.
  10. How can I foster a love for learning? This is a great question as nurturing a love for learning from an early age lays the very foundation for education and personal growth.

Going to a parents’ evening prepared with questions, not only guarantees you make the most of the time allocated, but ensures you’ll get answers and solutions to helping your child achieve academic success.

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